【平昌冬奧】美國滑雪名將走訪狗肉場 忍不住領養一隻帶回家

陳心慈 2018年02月25日 19:01:00
美國自由式滑雪奧運選手肯沃西(Gus Kenworthy)參與南韓平昌冬奧期間,探訪當地的狗肉工廠,協助狗狗們脫困。(AP)

美國自由式滑雪奧運選手肯沃西(Gus Kenworthy)參與南韓平昌冬奧期間,探訪當地的狗肉工廠,協助狗狗們脫困。(AP)

美國《時代雜誌》(Time)報導,26歲的美國滑雪名將肯沃西(Gus Kenworthy),赴南韓參與平昌冬奧雖然並未獲獎,但卻帶回了新朋友──小狗Beemo。




肯沃西與男友威爾卡斯(Matt Wilkas)在南韓探訪了狗肉工廠,對於其飼養環境相當擔憂,表示:「這裡的狗營養不良、遭受虐待,還被關進狹小的籠子當中,暴露在寒冷或炎熱的極端氣候。」







This morning Matt and I had a heart-wrenching visit to one of the 17,000 dog farms here in South Korea. Across the country there are 2.5 million dogs being raised for food in some of the most disturbing conditions imaginable. Yes, there is an argument to be made that eating dogs is a part of Korean culture. And, while don't personally agree with it, I do agree that it's not my place to impose western ideals on the people here. The way these animals are being treated, however, is completely inhumane and culture should never be a scapegoat for cruelty. I was told that the dogs on this particular farm were kept in "good conditions" by comparison to other farms. The dogs here are malnourished and physically abused, crammed into tiny wire-floored pens, and exposed to the freezing winter elements and scorching summer conditions. When it comes time to put one down it is done so in front of the other dogs by means of electrocution sometimes taking up to 20 agonizing minutes. Despite the beliefs of some, these dogs are no different from the ones we call pets back home. Some of them were even pets at one time and were stolen or found and sold into the dog meat trade. Luckily, this particular farm (thanks to the hard work of the Humane Society International and the cooperation of a farmer who's seen the error of his ways) is being permanently shut down and all 90 of the dogs here will be brought to the US and Canada where they'll find their fur-ever homes. I adopted the sweet baby in the first pic (we named her Beemo) and she'll be coming to the US to live with me as soon as she's through with her vaccinations in a short couple of weeks. I cannot wait to give her the best life possible! There are still millions of dogs here in need of help though (like the Great Pyrenees in the 2nd pic who was truly the sweetest dog ever). I'm hoping to use this visit as an opportunity to raise awareness to the inhumanity of the dog meat trade and the plight of dogs everywhere, including back home in the US where millions of dogs are in need of loving homes! Go to @hsiglobal's page to see how you can help. #dogsarefriendsnotfood #adoptdontshop ❤️🐶

gus kenworthy(@guskenworthy)分享的貼文 於 張貼






結束探訪後,肯沃西與男友決定領養一隻小狗。而同行的「國際人道協會」(Humane Society International, HSI)則買下了這座狗肉工廠,將裡頭的90隻狗狗送往美國與加拿大。







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