2021年元旦當日,根據美國約翰霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins university)統計,美國確診人數已經突破2000萬大關,34.5萬人因染疫死亡。相當於每950位美國民眾之中,就有一位因新冠肺炎離世。美國境內確診人數分別是,加州230萬居冠,德州170萬位居第二以及佛羅里達州130萬。
自2020年12月15日至22日一周之間,便有近2萬名美國民眾死於新冠肺炎。耶魯公共衛生學院副教授格雷格(Gregg Gonsalves)發推文表示「在2020年,有34萬美國民眾離世,有時候甚至一天好幾千人死亡。我們看著這場悲劇,卻沒有任何抗議或抗議看板適合這場國家慘劇,一如我們看著911事件在這300多天裡循環上演。」
One thing I will never understand. In 2020, we let ~340,000 Americans die, sometimes in the thousands per day. And we watched. There were no protests, no daily banner headlines befitting a national tragedy on this scale. It's as if we watched 9/11 in a loop for 300+ days. 1/
— Gregg Gonsalves (@gregggonsalves) December 30, 2020
A San Diego man with no travel outside the county has tested positive for the COVID-19 variant first identified in the United Kingdom.https://t.co/ZrS2xIYhwn
— SanDiegoCounty (@SanDiegoCounty) December 31, 2020
Florida has evidence of the first identified case of the UK COVID-19 variant in Martin County. The individual is a male in his 20s with no history of travel. The Department is working with the CDC on this investigation. We encourage all to continue practicing COVID-19 mitigation.
— Florida Dept. Health (@HealthyFla) January 1, 2021