美國德州沃斯堡(Fort Worth)35號州際公路,疑似冬季路面結冰打滑,11日發生超過133輛車的連環追撞車禍,半掛拖車、汽車、卡車失控撞成一團。
目前至少造成6人死亡、65人住院治療、3人重傷。非營利組織「MedStar Health」指出,「還有許多人被困在車內,需要使用液壓救援設備才能救援」。
So many traffic/accidents this morning, especially across the DFW Metroplex. These events are so dangerous because the ice is spotty. We can't stress enough that road conditions could go from good to dangerous within blocks. Take it slow out there... #dfwwx #ctxwx #txwx https://t.co/4uZ0UA4px5
— NWS Fort Worth (@NWSFortWorth) February 11, 2021
受到「極地漩渦」(Polar Vortex)到美加邊境影響,美國多地氣溫比往年還低。德州奧斯汀、田納西州因冬季路況不佳,道路事故頻傳。
So many traffic/accidents this morning, especially across the DFW Metroplex. These events are so dangerous because the ice is spotty. We can't stress enough that road conditions could go from good to dangerous within blocks. Take it slow out there... #dfwwx #ctxwx #txwx https://t.co/4uZ0UA4px5
— NWS Fort Worth (@NWSFortWorth) February 11, 2021