Global warming has been heating up and drying out the American West for years. Now the region is broiling under a combination of a drought that is the worst in two decades and a record-breaking heat wave. And it’s not even summer yet. https://t.co/ZxpJgqKHgR
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 17, 2021
A heat wave this week across the western U.S., which is already facing the worst drought in two decades, threatens to deliver temperatures above 125 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat will test stressed electrical grids and endanger those unable to find relief. https://t.co/lJa2TEOCtc
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 15, 2021
自2009年以來,人口約700萬的亞利桑那州,有超過2千人不堪氣候極端高溫而死亡。非營利組織「Kids & Cars」指出,光是2019年,就有4名兒童在炎熱的車內離世。
Dramatic sunset on this Monday, June 14, 2021, due in part to lofted smoke from wildfires in central Arizona. An Excessive Heat Warning is in place through the week. Highs around 98 °F. (49 C) on South Rim, & 120 F. (49 C) inside the canyon. Stay hydrated and indoors if you can. pic.twitter.com/8d35xBGgXS
— Grand Canyon NPS (@GrandCanyonNPS) June 15, 2021
1. 飲用足夠的水:待在室內整天喝至少兩公升的水,在戶外則至少每小時喝一公升的水。
Heat-relief and cooling stations around the Phoenix area
— ABC15 Arizona (@abc15) June 11, 2021
https://t.co/zz5C18ghNP #abc15 pic.twitter.com/eZX9ixSauu
2. 衣著:穿輕便、淺色的衣服,所有暴露的皮膚必須抹上防曬霜,在戶外時戴帽子與打傘。
3. 飲食:少量多餐,並避免食用富含蛋白質的食物,因其會產生代謝熱。
4. 關心高危險族群:查看親友、周遭的人是否有中暑跡象,尤其留意老年人。若出現大量出汗、肌肉痙攣、虛弱、頭痛、噁心、意識模糊、不再出汗、心跳加快等症狀,請儘速就醫。避免將寵物與兒童留在車上。
5. 避免劇烈運動:僅在一天相對涼爽的時間,即凌晨 4 點到 7 點在戶外運動或活動,剩下的時間待在屋內,並適當休息。