(來源:魯蛋的家、Stanley 粉絲專頁)
開實況真的賺很多嗎?今(7)日網友瘋傳一張關於實況平台 Twitch 的後台數據,其中包含了從 2019 年至今,全球知名各大實況頻道斗內及訂閱總收入,其中可以看到 ESL_CSGO、Riot 等知名賽事頻道名列前茅,Twitch 也在推特證實了這起事件,而臺灣最高收入的實況主則是我們眾所皆知的餐餐自由配(blusewilly_retry),網友開玩笑的表示:「餐哥是真的可以"餐餐自由配了"」。
We can confirm a breach has taken place. Our teams are working with urgency to understand the extent of this. We will update the community as soon as additional information is available. Thank you for bearing with us.
— Twitch (@Twitch) October 6, 2021
(來源:Twitch Twitter)
(來源:Sinoc Twitter)
從這份數據中我們可以看到,餐餐自由配、懶貓、Uzra、依渟、蝦愛橘子、貝莉梅及史丹利等多位臺灣知名實況主,最高收入的則是位於 358 名的餐哥。而有一部分的外流原始碼中顯示,他們將推出名為 Vapor 的全新平台。
Grabbed Vapor, the codename for Amazon's Steam competitor. Seems to intigrate most of Twitch's features as well as a bunch of game specific support like fortnite and pubg.
— Sinoc (@Sinoc229) October 6, 2021
Also includes some Unity code for a game called Vapeworld, which I assume is some sort of VR chat thing. pic.twitter.com/4KeeEOspyQ
(來源:Sinoc Twitter)
目前在 Pastenin 的完整數據(已被下架),有興趣的可以去看看。
Here's a more comprehensive list of leaked Twitch payouts (I will keep updating this thread as more things come out). pic.twitter.com/15JItvp6l4
— KnowSomething (@KnowS0mething) October 6, 2021
(來源:KnowSomething Twitter)
The gross payouts of the top 100 highest-paid Twitch streamers from August 2019 until October 2021: pic.twitter.com/3Lj9pb2aBl
— KnowSomething (@KnowS0mething) October 6, 2021
(來源:KnowSomething Twitter)
358 名 餐餐自由配 413460.98
522 名 懶貓 311289.71
609 名 uzra 276791.23
731 名 依渟 235738.99
1401 名 蝦愛橘子 139234.34
2005 名 貝莉莓 102688.37
4139 名 relaxing234 53496.81
榮光不再!《爐石戰記》選手紛紛宣布淘汰及自行退役感言 並表示對現今賽制感到惋惜
DK 王朝?《英雄聯盟》invenglobal 評選世界賽各路最佳選手 Faker 名列中路第五