報導LGBT新聞的《Pink News》引述瑞典《體育畫報》,報導瑞典王室已證實不會對王子或公主的同性婚姻予以和異性婚姻的區別對待。
Queer royals can enter same-sex marriage and still ascend to the throne, Sweden says https://t.co/VGrSqieT2p
— PinkNews (@PinkNews) October 24, 2021
#SWEDEN: Royal family confirms that same-sex marriage would not be a bar to the throne, days after Dutch PM says the same in #Netherlands #EqualMarriage #LGBT https://t.co/iVNwvipDAz
— LGBT Marriage News (@LGBTMarriage) October 20, 2021
不過,在荷蘭和瑞典,王位只能由「合法後裔」繼任。荷蘭總理呂特(Mark Rutte)呂特日前表示,「現在的時機,對繼位人的考慮是不合適的」,並表示當需要處理時,政府會設法解決。
(延伸閱讀:荷蘭公主即將成年 總理:若同婚一樣可以繼承王位)
The Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage 20 years ago, and now they are taking it one step further to also apply to the Royal Family. Progress comes in small steps but should be celebrated nonetheless https://t.co/kygAdK2xwA
— Teddy Wilkin (@teddy_wilkin) October 21, 2021
綜觀瑞典王室歷史,17世紀時的瑞典女王克里斯蒂娜(Queen Christina),其性取向一直為後世所關注、研究。《NBC》報導,克里斯蒂娜女王喜歡穿男裝、熱愛文學、狩獵、煉金術和其他同時代由男性主導的活動,引發各種關於女王性取向、甚至女王是雙性人的謠言。
而克里斯蒂娜女王最親密的伙伴是斯帕雷伯爵夫人(Ebba Sparre),女王將她介紹為「我的同床人」,並在給斯帕雷伯爵夫人的信件中寫著「我注定要在沒有見到你的情況下,永遠愛和珍惜你」。
克里斯蒂娜女王終身不婚,並選擇在1654年退位,王位由其表哥卡爾十世(Karl X Gustav)繼承。克里斯蒂娜女王在回憶錄中寫下,自己「對婚姻感到無法克服的厭惡」。
The Netherlands made history last week by allowing same-sex marriage within its royal family. Dan Avery looks at 13 royal figures from history who crossed boundaries of sexuality and gender, from ancient China to the 20th century. #history #royals #LGBTQhttps://t.co/uqHnyCqP9y pic.twitter.com/cCUreFzdV6
— Alpha History (@alphahistory) October 19, 2021