綜合外媒報導,一架隸屬印度陸軍的米17直升機(Mi 17)8日下午傳出,泰米爾納德邦(Tamil Nadu)境內墜毀,機上搭載參謀長拉瓦特上將(Bipin Rawat)和妻子、以及另外11名乘客,印度空軍推特稍早發出聲明,經過調查、這架直升機上包含參謀長、妻子與11名乘客,已經確定罹難。
根據報導,機上只有一名乘客生還,稍早已經送往附近醫院治療。印度媒體指出,受傷是一名空軍上尉辛格(Varun Singh)。
With deep regret, it has now been ascertained that Gen Bipin Rawat, Mrs Madhulika Rawat and 11 other persons on board have died in the unfortunate accident.
— Indian Air Force (@IAF_MCC) December 8, 2021
Gen Bipin Rawat was an outstanding soldier. A true patriot, he greatly contributed to modernising our armed forces and security apparatus. His insights and perspectives on strategic matters were exceptional. His passing away has saddened me deeply. Om Shanti. pic.twitter.com/YOuQvFT7Et
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 8, 2021
現年63歲的拉瓦特,是陸軍四星上將、2016年曾擔任陸軍參謀長;自2020年開始,被任命為國防參謀長( Chief of Defence Staff),該職位是莫迪政府在2019新設立,是印度軍隊最高階職位。
As a Muslim and a serious Pakistani citizen, My prayers are with #CDS Gen Bipin Rawat and his team mates who got injured in today's Tamil Nadu incident. Wishing them a Speedy Recovery! 🤲
— Shah 2.0 (@sayyedx96) December 8, 2021
Humanity comes first, Enmity then!#India #TamilNadu #Tamil #BipinRawat pic.twitter.com/TJ3zkzPuhX
Just heard the horrific news, of the crash of the helicopter carrying our CDS Gen Bipin Rawat and his family and colleagues. Hoping and praying that all of them are safe. The nation hopes and prays. pic.twitter.com/MlM7VSGz3E
— Anand Ranganathan (@ARanganathan72) December 8, 2021