《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,世界重要茶葉產地的斯里蘭卡,該國農業部長帕蒂拉納(Ramesh Pathirana)日前指出,有鑑於該國財政困難、未來一年需要償還大筆外債,將設法和伊朗進行協商,以茶葉分批支付過去4年進口原油所積欠的2億5100萬美元(約新台幣69億6400萬元)債務。
Sri Lanka is going to settle a $250 million oil debt with Iran bartering with tea. This is going straight into my favourite oil-for-something barter deals, alongside when Chad settled a debt with Angola shipping 75,000 heads of cattle #OOTT 🇱🇰 🫖 ⛽️ 🇮🇷 https://t.co/OJGIOZiDh2
— Javier Blas (@JavierBlas) December 22, 2021
Signing a memorandum of understanding to settle Sri Lanka's oil debt to the Islamic Republic of Iran through export tea. #barter #drrameshlk pic.twitter.com/ucGw3fUqoj
— Embassy of I.R. Iran in Colombo (@IRANinSriLanka) December 22, 2021
Sri Lanka hikes fuel prices by more than 10 per cent as debt obligations trouble the Rajapaksa government after the island nation's remittances fall to a new low. The price rise is aimed at discouraging consumption. @PriyankaSh25 brings you this report by @AthaudaDasuni pic.twitter.com/6pFPOrhjsH
— WION (@WIONews) December 21, 2021