世衛組織(WHO)1月24日至29日召執行委員會,期間包括美國、英國、日本等理念相近的民主陣營國家接連直接或間接發聲支持台灣參與WHO;此外我國友邦巴拉圭、 瓜地馬拉、馬紹爾群島、海地、史瓦帝尼和宏都拉斯也發言強調台灣的抗疫成績,指出應讓台灣參與WHO會議、活動和機制及世衛大會(WHA)。
然而WHO口譯團隊卻連連出包,在26日史瓦帝尼衛生部政務次長茲瓦內(Simon Zwane)呼籲WHO停止排除台灣時、以及24日巴拉圭衛生部長波帕(Julio Borba)發聲挺台時,皆漏譯相關發言內容,世衛對此回應聽不清楚、語速太快等理由,稱並非故意不翻譯。我國駐日內瓦辦事處已表達抗議。
We thank #Paraguay to speak up for #Taiwan in the #WHO 150th Executive Board supporting the inclusion of Taiwan!
— Taiwan in Geneva (@Taipei_GVA) January 25, 2022
🇵🇾 Minister of Health Julio Borba suggested that the WHO should take advantage to learn from 🇹🇼successes in fighting the pandemic. @msaludpy @TW_Paraguay pic.twitter.com/pF9Scei2Cu
今天美國衛生及公共服務部負責全球事務助理部長培斯(Loyce Pace)28日表示,美國感謝台灣展現的防疫典範,以及對世界各國的支援,呼籲全球應完全接納包括台灣在內的所有夥伴。
英國駐聯合國日內瓦分部代表團衛生組組長安德魯斯(Danny Andrews)則稱,WHO應具包容性,面對全球公衛緊急事件衝擊,必須廣納各方聲音、分享經驗以處理因應。
Minister Alix Larsen of #Haiti Ministry of Public Health and Population spoke up for Taiwan, praising the WHO platform as a way to prepare for and respond to health emergencies and requesting Taiwan's participation in WHO given its exemplary management of COVID-19. @Haiti_UNOG pic.twitter.com/lxHIeHc1Rg
— Taiwan in Geneva (@Taipei_GVA) January 28, 2022
日本厚生勞動省國際事務顧問中谷比呂樹(Hiroki Nakatani)也強調,面對國際衛生議題如傳染病,最重要的是不應排除特定地區,使其無法以WHA觀察員身分參與世衛。
Ambassador Mario Alberto Fortín Midence @HondurasGinebra of our ally #Honduras was among those who took the opportunity of the 150th Session of the WHO Executive Board to speak up for Taiwan's inclusion, stating that global cooperation on health is an imperative for public health pic.twitter.com/TzdG0Mhr1c
— Taiwan in Geneva (@Taipei_GVA) January 28, 2022