《紐約時報》(New York Times)接手風靡全球的字謎遊戲「Wordle」後,許多玩家抱怨遊戲變難玩。(湯森路透)
《紐約時報》(New York Times)近期以高達「七位數」美元高價,收購風靡全球的字謎遊戲「Wordle」;但許多玩家紛紛抱怨,紐時接手後「遊戲變難玩了」。
Wordle是一款由英籍工程師沃爾德(Josh Wardle)創造的網頁字謎遊戲,玩家有6次機會猜出由五個英文字母組成的「每日一字」,單純無廣告的頁面和社群戶動效果讓全球百萬人每日「打卡猜字」。
「紐時版本」跟「原版」Wordle有什麼差異?知名喜劇演員諾亞(Trevor Noah)表示,「在紐時接手後,是只有我覺得Wordle變難玩嗎?」;作家艾爾曼(Michelle Elman)也認為遊戲「困難很多」。
I thought @roywoodjr was just joking but it really feels like Wordle isn’t fun since the New York Times took over. Is it just me??🧐
— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) February 14, 2022
One of the joys of Wordle was that it was not too hard. It was a brief respite of feeling like things in the world were actually solvable.
— Denise Dewald, MD 🗽 (@denise_dewald) February 15, 2022
And the @nytimes had to come along and ruin it.
Dudes, it’s not supposed to be like the NYT crossword. It’s like Jumble, only shorter.
不過,也有玩家出面緩頰,他提醒大家應該享受這個「因愛而生」的有趣遊戲。沃爾德設計Wordle的初衷,正是為了喜愛字謎遊戲的伴侶蕭(Palak Shah)。為此,他將「每次一詞」的範圍縮小到對方熟悉的2,500個單字左右,這個單字列表構成Wordle的答案組合,也被寫進網站本身的Javascript程式碼中。
Stunning to me that people are tearing themselves to pieces, and attacking other people, over a perfectly enjoyable and simple word game. This is just a feel good story about a guy who created a game out of love and then got a nice payday from it as a bonus.
— Bill Fletcher (@FletchWolf) February 16, 2022
美國網路媒體《The Verge》報導,關於《紐時》增加字謎難度的陰謀論大量流傳,也有人開玩笑說,《紐時》遊戲部門主管帶著邪惡的笑容圍坐,找尋辭典中最難的五字母單字。
The words have become unusual and over the last 3 days I have spent 10-20 minutes after my second word, though finish by 4. Lateral thinking needed.
— nitincshrotri (@PeaPeaspot) February 14, 2022
The American spellings also cause some difficulties. Only @nytimes can answer the question https://t.co/JOARzlal6V