俄羅斯舉兵入侵烏克蘭一個半月以來,烏克蘭多座城市淪為廢墟,俄軍慘無人道的暴行頻傳。烏克蘭內政部長顧問格拉什琴科(Anton Gerashchenko)表示,烏克蘭的秋田犬雷尼(Reeny)在主人遇害以後,苦苦於家門前守候,無論民眾如何勸誘她離開都無果。
雷尼是一隻9歲大的母犬,她的主人提蒂亞娜(Tetiana Zadorozhniak)遭性侵後被殺害。鄰居定時餵食這隻狗狗,狗狗目前有痙攣等症狀,卻不願意離開她的「工作崗位」。
This is Reeny, 9 years old. Her human Tetiana we wrote about was brutally murdered. Reeny doesn't know and still waits for her. No one took care of Reeny during the month of occupation. Now looking for kind hands who will help her recover.#GenocideOfUkrainians pic.twitter.com/l3SzIXn6Ff
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) April 10, 2022
Tetiana from Makariv (near Kyiv) was raped and murdered by a russian soldier near her home. Video shows local people telling about this tragedy. Tomorrow international journalists will be working at the crime scene.#GenocideOfUkrainians #WarCrimesOfUkraine pic.twitter.com/7BZNopgzk9
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) April 10, 2022
Do you remember Reeny? Thank you all for your kind comments! Today my friend Olena visited her. Relatives of the deceased Tetiana were found and are ready to take Reeny in. It’s dangerous for her to stay in her yard - the garage next door is still mined.#StandUpForUkraine pic.twitter.com/JyLzAvpdGc
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) April 11, 2022