紐約時報報導,目前還不確定茂宜島(Maui)8日起發生的野火的罪魁禍首,但專家推測,強風吹落電線可能是起火原因。數間律師事務所已經準備代表災民提出集體訴訟,控告夏威夷電力公司(Hawaiian Electric)無視強風警報,讓電線持續送電。三家律師事務所表示,初步調查顯示夏威夷電力公司毀損的基礎設施是釀禍主因。
A friend just sent me this. Strong winds continuing to gust throughout the west side of Maui, where power has been out since early this morning (local time) due to damaging winds #maui #MauiOutage pic.twitter.com/jv7QyAT4Rs
— cate bligh (@catebligh) August 8, 2023
據路透報導整理,當前的茂宜島野火死亡人數,是美國史上死亡人數第五多的野火事件,排名第一的是1871年發生於威斯康辛州林場小鎮的「派什提戈大火」(Peshtigo fire),造成1152人死亡,其次是1918年10月明尼蘇達州東北部的「克洛凱大火」(Cloquet fire),奪走453條人命。
The Maui fires are now the deadliest wildfire in modern US history.
— Eric Holthaus (@EricHolthaus) August 13, 2023
We must all demand accountability and climate justice — these fire catastrophes are not our inevitable future. We can demand a better world.
We are in a climate emergency. https://t.co/zZ48XT17O4 pic.twitter.com/oVdNjubRyD
DEVELOPING: Rising death toll makes Maui wildfires the deadliest in US history, with Maui officials now reporting at least 92 people have died. ABC News' @gioBenitez has the latest. https://t.co/QgAX7wRgUQ pic.twitter.com/npnjmANiDK
— Good Morning America (@GMA) August 13, 2023
當局仍持續進行搜救,具體失蹤人數目前仍不清楚,但報導稱多達「數百人」之譜。當地教會牧師蘭迪斯(Scott Landis)表示,還有許多人的親朋好友下落不明,擔心「發生最糟糕的情況」。
Cadaver dogs sift through the ruins of Lahaina as the death toll continues to rise, making the Maui wildfires in Hawaii the deadliest the US has seen in more than a century https://t.co/3LXfq8eqmx pic.twitter.com/T4GQ0PvUOr
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 13, 2023
茂宜島警長白耶悌(John Pelletier)表示,目前人員只搜索3%的受災地區,要搜索的範圍至少有5平方英里,夏威夷州州長葛林(Josh Green)則說,至少有2200棟房屋受損或全毀,損失估計高達60億美元。