
投2千萬美元推兩岸和平 郭台銘發表《金門和平倡議》再被拱選總統

沈粲家 2023年08月22日 12:17:00
郭台銘今天(22日)前往金門,發表《金門和平倡議》 。(張哲偉攝)

郭台銘今天(22日)前往金門,發表《金門和平倡議》 。(張哲偉攝)







郭台銘參加餐會活動,在場支持者不斷喊口號要他選總統 。(張哲偉攝)








郭台銘搭機到金門,議長洪允典來接機,雙方牽手展現好交情 。(張哲偉攝)











On May 13th, 2023, I made a peace declaration at Kinmen.  I reaffirm the importance of recognizing the principle of "One China, Respective Interpretations". Based on this principle, I further advocate for resuming negotiations with the mainland, representing the Republic of China.   Kinmen will be the new and permanent designated venue for such negotiations. The Kinmen Peace Declaration, since its announcement, has gained substantial attention and generated discussion both domestically and internationally. Gou has been engaging in a series of public consultations across Taiwan, spanning from south to north, west to east. This includes intensive discussions with scholars, industry experts as well as representatives from the business world. My Op-Ed on this subject was published in the Washington Post on July 17 to articulate my position on negotiating a sustainable peace across the strait.  I travelled to the United States for in-depth discussions with prominent scholars, journalists and think tank researchers.




August 23 will commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis. Looking back, the memory runs deep.  In the history of wars, this kind of battle has never happened and will probably never happen again.  The bombardment lasted from 1958 to 1979.  On one hand, the island of Kinmen underwent an unimaginable suffering and assult from the incessant bombarments.  On the other hand, both sides limited their actions to artillery bombardment to the other side and refrained from any amphibious landing attacks to each other.




The original plan of mainland China was to paralyze Kinmen by the incessant bombarments to completely cut off any supplies from Taiwan to Kinmen and to force Taiwan to abandon Kinmen.  At the time, President Chiang Kai-shek made a swift decision NOT to give up Kinmen.  When Kinmen still had enough inventory of food and ammunitions, the supplies of both continued from sea and air support to successfully break through the blockade.  It proved the determination and ability of Republic of China to protect Kinmen at all costs.




In other words, the defeats of KMT governemnt in the civil war to retreat to Taiwan finally won a decisive battle in Kinmen.  The Second Taiwan Strait Crisis was won here in Kinmen to dampen the ambition of the communist forces, to wreck the original plan of Mao and to force them to give up overrunning Kinmen by announcing “the odd day bombardment” as a face-saving way to concede.




I like to emphasize that after 65 years, the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis is a celebrated chapter in the history of Republic of China.  It was a treasured experience when the people of Kinmen and the people of Taiwan shared thick and thin together.




Standing here today, I like to solemnly remind Beijing to face up to the reality of the existence of Republic of China and to realize that the continuous intimidation of using force to have Taiwan accept unification will have the exact opposite effect.  The biggest common denominator of mainstream people’s will is 23 million people wishing for freedom, democracy and peace.  This strong people’s will can be a building foundation for a mutual cooperation to reach a bright future together between the people across the strait.  We absolutely do not want to see this foundation to be undermined and destroyed and worst yet to see that the two sides across the strait are walking away from each other.  Walking away from each other will bring pain to our dear ones and friends and bring joy to our enemies.




Peace cannot continue to stay on the path of imaginations and slogans.  We must have a steady plan and a concrete and actionable project to move forward.




After the Kinmen Peace Declaration, I am proposing the “Kinmen Peace Initiative”.  Today, I am announcing the establishment of a “Kinmen Peace Initiative Foundation” with the initial funding of USD20M as a seed fund to spearhead the following initiatives forward.





1. Establish a permanent “Peace Across the Strait Consultation Office” in Kinmen in order to facilitate, to initiate and to connect the people to people across the strait to exchange and discuss matters related to sustainable peace.





2. Establish a Cross-Strait Peace Strategy Institute (CSPSI) to be staffed with distinguished scholars and experts to form the think tank of Kinmen Peace Initiative. The CSPSI will set up three main centers focusing on the subjects of technology, economic and military.   The centers will be for research and development of these topics for the ultimate objective of peace across the strait.  They will initiate exchanges between research institutes and scholars across the strait.





3. Establish a new media platform to gather and disseminate peace related information around the world to promote peace across the strait.






4. Promote the resumption of interactions of academic research institutions and scholars across the strait to formulate negotiations with the goal of simulating scenarios with variables for reaching a sustainable peace across the strait.  (Depending on topics, we will not rule out inviting the third party experts and relevant scholars to participate.)





5. Establish relationships and dialogues with peace organizations worldwide to draw on their prior experiences in peace negotiations and to gain international support and understanding.





6. Provide funding to encourage the formation of peace-related curriculum and scholarships at major universities to spur institutional and scholastic research on peace across the strait.  Joint projects with National Quemoy University will be announced subsequently.  The university will be the focal point to carry out future projects with other major universities.





7. Promote and fund peace-related conferences in leading academic institutions in the United States and Japan.   Provide funding to prominent think tanks in both US and Japan to study ways to promote peace negotiations across the strait.  The objective is to support academic exchanges between the US, China, Taiwan and Japan to promote sustainable and actionable peace.





8. Establish the people version of “General Association of Chinese Culture” to rebuild the cultural exchanges and interactions between the people across the strait which has been curtailed since Tsai assumed office in 2016.




I like to reiterate that the spirit of Republic of China and that of the people of Taiwan testifies to the fact that we are a civilized society seeking for peace and freedom.




Peace is our belief.  The “Kinmen Peace Initiative” will be our concrete actions.




I, Terry Gou, will defy all difficulties and will use the rest of my life to seek for sustainable peace across the strait and use such peace to promote world peace and drive global prosperity.




I truly believe that all the people in the world will have the same belief and conviction.  We are not alone and we are doing our part for peace.




I sincerely invite everyone of you and all the people in Taiwan to work the hardest to seek for a sustainable peace across the strait.




Thank you everyone!






