美國新聞界最黑暗的一天,馬里蘭州安納波利斯市(Annapolis)28日下午發生預謀殺人槍擊案,地點位於《巴爾的摩太陽報》(Baltimore Sun)辦公大樓內的《首都公報》(Capital Gazette)報社,33歲男性兇嫌不滿報導、挾怨報復,持長槍槍殺報社員工,至少5人死亡、3人受傷。
— Capital Gazette (@capgaznews) 2018年6月29日
Tomorrow this Capital page will return to its steady purpose of offering readers informed opinion about the world around them. But today, we are speechless. pic.twitter.com/5HzKN2IW7Q
— Capital Gazette (@capgaznews) 2018年6月29日
根據《美國有線電視新聞網》(CNN)報導,該社犯罪報導記者戴維斯(Phil Davis)在推特(Twitter)上表述槍擊案發生經過,他表示,「1名槍手以長槍隔著玻璃門對辦公室開火。「當你躲在桌子底下,聽到好多人中彈,然後又聽到槍手在裝子彈,沒有比這更恐怖的事了。」
There is nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while you're under your desk and then hear the gunman reload
— Phil Davis (@PhilDavis_CG) 2018年6月28日
Gunman shot through the glass door to the office and opened fire on multiple employees. Can't say much more and don't want to declare anyone dead, but it's bad.
— Phil Davis (@PhilDavis_CG) 2018年6月28日
A single shooter shot multiple people at my office, some of whom are dead.
— Phil Davis (@PhilDavis_CG) 2018年6月28日