自虐型動作遊戲戲《茶杯頭》發行周年,開發商曝光了遊戲早期美術概念。(圖片來源:Studio MDHR )
上個週末正好是《茶杯頭》遊戲發行滿一週年的紀念日,開發商 Studio MDHR 的工作人員也在 Twitter 上心有感觸的貼出了許多遊戲的早期概念美術圖。
Here's a peek at the first Not-Yet-Cuphead Flash prototype that we called "Jay & a Slushie." We didn't have a character or even game concept yet, but we still had giant bosses! Let us know which of The Hand's attacks you like the most for a chance to win a game key. pic.twitter.com/zwJtIOdOZi
— Studio MDHR (@StudioMDHR) 2018年9月29日
MDHR 分享了一張 GIF 動圖,這張圖是第一個概念 Flash 原型,最後變成了《茶杯頭》。而這個原型圖被官方稱為「 Jay & a Slushie」,正如玩家所知,這張 GIF 作品與《茶杯頭》遊戲極具高相似度,玩家扮演著一名面對巨大 boss 的渺小英雄。
As we continued to refine our Not-Yet-Cuphead prototype, the boss was slowly developing into what would become Goopy Le Grande. Of course, we still hadn't found our main character yet. Should we have kept the vomit attack? Tell us below for a chance to win a game key! pic.twitter.com/cS7Ltqr5hZ
— Studio MDHR (@StudioMDHR) 2018年9月29日
這是個很棒的例子,顯示了遊戲的初始(概念)版本和最終成品之間的差距。這幾張 GIF 恰恰證明了遊戲在開發過程中能夠經歷多少變化。
Fresh from the archives! Here are some of the very first drawings of the character that would become Cuphead. It took hundreds of sketches to really find his personality (and remove any superfluous ears). Pick your favorite sketch and we'll be giving away one game key! pic.twitter.com/fJyAAJ8tu2
— Studio MDHR (@StudioMDHR) 2018年9月29日
MDHR 分享了遊戲概念的演變,還有深入研究角色的設計過程,如果是《茶杯頭》的粉絲非常值得一看。
We always knew we wanted to use physical media for our game aesthetic. Here's a look at the transition from the original pencil crayon concept to the water colour and animation cel look we decided on. Come up with a name for these grassy plains for your chance at a game key! pic.twitter.com/bAjmtj9sND
— Studio MDHR (@StudioMDHR) 2018年9月29日
《茶杯頭》預定明年更新 DLC 「美味的最後一道佳餚」(The Delicious Last Course)回歸,並且將推出一名名為 Ms. Chalice 的新角色。如先前的遊戲基礎內容,DLC 也會登上 PC 與 Xbox One 平台,不過官方目前尚未確認發行日期。