被外界批評有如幼稚園般鬧脾氣、各自態度都極度強硬的白宮(White House)與國會,讓聯邦政府因缺乏預算而停擺的天數正式進入第33日,每增加一日都是寫下歷史的新紀錄。
川普(Donald Trump)與國會之間不僅因預算對立,就連一年一度、總統向參眾兩院報告的國情咨文(State of the Union address),都因為政府持續陷入關閉狀態,讓雙方再次陷入口水戰之中。
《德國之聲》(DW)報導,本堅持照常赴國會山莊(United States Capitol)進行年度國情咨文演說的川普,遭到新任眾院議長裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi)拒絕,並向總統嗆聲「她絕不會授權國情咨文演說,在政府關門狀態下進行!」
Donald Trump says he will not deliver his State of the Union speech until after the government shutdown is over https://t.co/rCBPx0L2NQ
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) January 24, 2019
As the Shutdown was going on, Nancy Pelosi asked me to give the State of the Union Address. I agreed. She then changed her mind because of the Shutdown, suggesting a later date. This is her prerogative - I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 24, 2019
@realDonaldTrump it would be so sad for you to deliver a state of the union address to a nation suffering your petulance & childishness and require people to work for free when you could 1) open government, 2) delay the address, or 3) deliver it in writing or online. #Getoverit pic.twitter.com/uuvvJqV18N
— Karen (@NoLaggards) January 23, 2019
美國國情咨文一詞,源自於羅斯福總統(Franklin D. Roosevelt),美國歷任總統,每年都會在美國國會聯席會議上,向參眾兩院議員、聯邦大法官、參謀首長聯席會議和內閣成員報告,未來一年或四年的整體施政計畫或方向。
然而,為防範可能的危險與攻擊,傳統慣例上會有一名內閣成員缺席,以防若有萬一發生時,該成員仍能按照美國總統繼任順序繼任總統職位,維持政府運作,該成員被稱為「指定倖存者」(Designated survivor)。
首次的咨文演說中,提到非法移民、增加工作機會、北韓與中國的威脅,並向國會提到,美國需要更強大的核武、軍隊和武裝,美國需要全面進行基礎建設,希望國會能支持他並批准撥款,為他所強調的「讓美國為所有美國人再度偉大! 」理念背書。
Mr. President, I hope by saying “near future” you mean you will support the House-passed package to #EndTheShutdown that the Senate will vote on tomorrow. Please accept this proposal so we can re-open government, repay our federal workers and then negotiate our differences. https://t.co/57KMATZZTO
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 24, 2019