荷蘭非營利組織「GDI基金會」(GDI Foundation)揭露,中國有180萬名女性的個人資料遭到洩漏,這些人大多為單身並且住在北京。除了電話號碼、地址等基本資訊之外,還有一欄被稱為「具備生育能力」(Breed Ready)的項目格外引人注目。
《衛報》(The Guardian)11日報導,維護網路使用自由及安全的荷蘭非營利組織「GDI基金會」研究員傑弗斯(Victor Gevers)在研究中國的公開數據時,發現不安全的數據快取(data cache),並在幾周後發布數張數據的截取圖片。
In China, they have a shortage of women. So an organization started to build a database to start registering over 1,8 million women with all kinds of details like phone numbers, addresses, education, location, ID number, marital status, and a ”BreedReady" status? 🤔
— Victor Gevers (@0xDUDE) 2019年3月9日
The youngest girl in this database is 15y old. The youngest woman with BreedReady:"1" status is 18y. The average age is a bit above 32y, and the most aged woman with a BR:1 is 39 and with a BR:0 is 95y. All are single [89%], divorced [10%] or widow[1%]. About 82% lives in 北京市.
— Victor Gevers (@0xDUDE) 2019年3月9日
除了女性生育能利之外,儘管Facebook在中國遭到封鎖,唯有透過虛擬私人網絡(Virtual Private Network,VPN)才能使用。然而,數據中卻也出現Facebook個人檔案是否「具有影片」(hasvideo)的項目。
The unprotected database is not reachable anymore for the last 5 hrs. We will keep an eye on that IP address for a while to make sure it doesn't come back online. We still do not know how the owner was or what the database was actually designed for. When we do we will share this.
— Victor Gevers (@0xDUDE) 2019年3月11日
So this insecure face recognition/personal verification solution is built and operated for only one goal. It's a "Muslim tracker" funded by Chinese authorities in the province of Xinjiang to keep track of Uyghur Muslims. 😡
— Victor Gevers (@0xDUDE) 2019年2月14日