美國總統川普3日抵達英國倫敦,展開為期3日的訪問,首日受到王室款待,但反對川普造訪英國的民眾也不在少數,而巴基斯坦裔的倫敦市長漢恩(Sadiq Khan)先與川普在推特隔空交火。
.@SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me......
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2019年6月3日
川普與倫敦市長並非首次互嗆,可汗1日在英國《觀察家報》(The Observer)發表文章,批川普來訪不配享有紅毯歡迎的禮遇,砲轟川普的言行是將自由民主帶往極右派,是日益嚴重的全球威脅之一,稱他用語言煽動群眾,就像是「20世紀的法西斯分子」。
If you believe that it's wrong that there is gender inequality, that women earn less than men, that women are still discriminated against in 2019, then you're a feminist.
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) 2019年6月3日
It's so important that people in positions of power, men & women, speak out & champion gender equality. pic.twitter.com/21ofQqi8ta
川普此行來訪將參加二戰「諾曼第登陸」(D-Day)75週年的國家紀念儀式。接位梅伊的英國保守黨黨魁熱門人選、英國外相杭特(Jeremy Hunt)則表示,非常榮幸能歡迎川普來訪,他批工黨杯葛川普的行為非常不恰當。