美國國家籃球聯盟(National Basketball Association, NBA)所屬的休士頓火箭隊(Houston Rickets)總經理莫雷(Daryl Morey),5日在推特(Twitter)個人帳號上發表了「為自由而戰,和香港站在一起(Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.)」的推文,引發中國網民不滿。
【快訊!央視體育暫停NBA轉播】中央廣播電視總臺央視體育頻道今天再次發表聲明 ,決定立即暫停NBA賽事轉播安排。
— 人民日報 People's Daily (@PDChinese) October 8, 2019
莫雷的推文在引發軒然大波後,立即刪文,火箭隊老闆菲爾蒂塔(Tilman Fertitta)也發表特文表示莫雷不能代表休斯頓火箭隊,但後又推文稱莫雷是個好經理,球隊與政治無關。
NBA也在美國時間8日晚間發表了聲明,表示莫雷的言論令人遺憾(regrettable),強調莫雷的言論僅代表個人觀點,不代表火箭隊,火箭隊明星哈登(James Harden)7日也公開聲明「愛中國」。
對此,包括美國聯邦議員、總統參選人在內的美國政界人士紛紛譴責NBA在此事件的立場,已有聯邦參議員要求與NBA總裁見面,共和黨籍的聯邦參議員魯比歐(Marco Rubio)7日在推特上譴責NBA向中國磕頭的言論。
魯比歐批評NBA為了取悅中國政府,竟與球隊總經理劃清界線,「令人作嘔,為了保護NBA的中國市場,竟然允許中國懲罰一名行使言論自由的美國公民。(Disgusting. They allow China to punish a U.S. citizen for free speech in order to protect NBA’s market access in China.)」。
.@NBA is throwing the GM of @HoustonRockets under the bus to please the Communist Chinese Govt.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) October 7, 2019
They allow #China to punish a U.S. citizen for free speech in order to protect NBA’s market access in China.
另1位民主黨籍聯邦參議員,同時也是參議院少數黨領袖舒默(Chuck Schumer)7日也在推特上發言支持香港民眾。
他說:「沒有人可以向為自由大聲疾呼的美國人發出噤聲令,我和追求民主權利的香港人站在一起,也和希望對香港人表達支持的美國人站在一起,(要求莫雷道歉)這是不可接受的。(No one should implement a gag rule on Americans speaking out for freedom. I stand with the people of Hong Kong in their pursuit of democratic rights. I stand with Americans who want to voice their support for the people of Hong Kong. Unacceptable.)。」
No one should implement a gag rule on Americans speaking out for freedom.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) October 7, 2019
I stand with the people of Hong Kong in their pursuit of democratic rights.
I stand with Americans who want to voice their support for the people of Hong Kong.
現為美國聯邦參議院外交委員會副主席的民主黨籍聯邦參議員梅南德茲(Robert Menendez)7日也發表推文,認為「莫雷向當權者說出真相,並讓NBA信守社會正義的高標準,這應該獲得掌聲。(Daryl Morey should be applauded for speaking truth to power, and holding the NBA to high standards for social justice.)」
We must stand with the people of #HongKong and hold China accountable.
— Senator Bob Menendez (@SenatorMenendez) October 7, 2019
Daryl Morey should be applauded for speaking truth to power, and holding the NBA to high standards for social justice.
出身休斯頓火箭隊所在地德州的共和黨聯邦參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)6日晚間則推文表示,「作為休斯頓火箭隊的終身球迷,我很自豪地看到莫雷為中國共產黨壓迫香港人的做法發聲,但現在,NBA為了賺大錢卻可恥地退縮了。(As a lifelong HoustonRockets fan, I was proud to see Morey call out the Chinese Communist Party’s repressive treatment of protestors in Hong Kong. Now, in pursuit of big $$, the NBA is shamefully retreating.)」
As a lifelong @HoustonRockets fan, I was proud to see @dmorey call out the Chinese Communist Party’s repressive treatment of protestors in Hong Kong.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 7, 2019
Now, in pursuit of big $$, the @nba is shamefully retreating.
另1名民主黨聯邦眾議員,過去曾任負責人權事務助理國務卿的馬利諾夫斯基(Tom Malinowski)6日晚間也在推特上譴責NBA。
馬利諾夫斯基指出,「中國正利用經濟力量來審查美國人在美國的言論。對球員和員工批評我們的政府,NBA一點問題都沒有,現在卻因為批評中國政府而道歉。這很可恥,令人無法忍受。(China is using its economic power to censor speech by Americans in the US. And the NBA, which (correctly) has no problem with players/employees criticizing our gov't, is now apologizing for criticizing the Chinese gov't. This is shameful and cannot stand.)」
An important story: China is using its economic power to censor speech by Americans in the US. And the #NBA, which (correctly) has no problem with players/employees criticizing our gov't, is now apologizing for criticizing the Chinese gov't. This is shameful and cannot stand.
— Tom Malinowski (@Malinowski) October 7, 2019
準備角逐民主黨2020年總統候選提名的聯邦參議員華倫(Elizabeth Warren)7日利用推特個人帳號發文批評,「NBA選擇了它的錢包而不是它的原則,亦非我們的價值觀,吾人都應當發聲,支持那些為權利而抗議的人(the NBA chose its pocketbook over its principles—and our values. We should all be speaking out in support of those protesting for their rights.)。」
China is trying to use its market power to silence free speech and criticism of its conduct. In response, the NBA chose its pocketbook over its principles—and our values. We should all be speaking out in support of those protesting for their rights.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) October 7, 2019
另1名民主黨總統參選人華裔企業家楊安澤(Andrew Yang))則在推特上指稱「中國政府封殺火箭隊真得很糟糕(The Chinese government banning the Rockets is a terrible move.)。」
The Chinese government banning the Rockets is a terrible move.
— Andrew Yang🧢 (@AndrewYang) October 6, 2019