2019諾貝爾物理獎8日下午公布,由加拿大天文物理學家皮布爾斯(James Peebles)、瑞士天文學家麥耶(Michel Mayor)和奎洛茲(Didier Queloz)3人共同得獎,鼓勵他們對於物理宇宙學(physical cosmology)理論基礎發展的貢獻,以及發現繞行太陽型恆星的系外行星。
This year’s #NobelPrize in Physics rewards new understanding of the universe’s structure and history, and the first discovery of a planet orbiting a solar-type star outside our solar system. The discoveries have forever changed our conceptions of the world. pic.twitter.com/7RQmabi47z
— The Nobel Prize (@NobelPrize) October 8, 2019
皮布爾斯在1970年代間主要對原始核合成,暗物質,宇宙微波背景和結構形成(structure formation)等領域做出理論貢獻。
透過理論計算,皮布爾斯發現僅5%的可觀測宇宙(observable universe)以恆星、行星和生命的形式呈現,剩餘的95%的則以暗物質(dark matter)和暗能量(dark energy)組成。暗能量被視為是增加宇宙膨脹的原因,暗物質則被認為是環繞在星系外圍的不可見物質,科學家是因為重力效應下才知道其存在。
2019 #NobelPrize laureate James Peebles took on the cosmos, with its billions of galaxies and galaxy clusters. His theoretical framework, developed over two decades, is the foundation of our modern understanding of the universe’s history, from the Big Bang to the present day. pic.twitter.com/fly4alndv9
— The Nobel Prize (@NobelPrize) October 8, 2019
所謂的徑向速度法(radial velocity method)是利用大質量行星和恆星之間的重力互相影響,兩者會繞著彼此的質心旋轉,當旋轉面平行於觀察者,因都卜勒效應(Doppler effect)可透過光譜的變化觀察到恆星的擺動。麥耶和奎洛茲憑藉飛馬座51b對母恆星飛馬座51的重力影響,間接偵測到它的存在。這樣的方式較適合用來發現大質量或公轉周期較短的行星,之後陸續發展出其他的系外星體觀測方法,如凌日法(transit method)和掩星觀測法(occultation)等。
The discovery by 2019 #NobelPrize laureates Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz started a revolution in astronomy and over 4,000 exoplanets have since been found in the Milky Way. Strange new worlds are still being discovered, with an incredible wealth of sizes, forms and orbits. pic.twitter.com/nqhJcJGJTv
— The Nobel Prize (@NobelPrize) October 8, 2019
In today's Morning Brief #newsletter:
— CBC News (@CBCNews) October 8, 2019
• Here are 5 key moments from #CanadaDebates2019.
• Winnipeg-born James Peebles is among this year's winners of the 2019 #NobelPrize in Physics.
• Saturn beats Jupiter with 82 moons, including 20 just discovered. https://t.co/zD6m7tOMZN pic.twitter.com/ayjztNiayy
2018年諾貝爾物理學獎(Nobel Prize in Physics),由美國阿什金(Arthur Ashkin)和法國莫荷(Gérard Mourou)、加拿大的史崔克蘭(Donna Strickland)三名學者共同獲得,表彰他們在雷射物理學領域開創性的重大發明。
The second woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics was Maria Goeppert-Mayer for her work on the nuclear shell structure of atoms.
— The Nobel Prize (@NobelPrize) October 8, 2019
She received the prize when she was 57 years old and did most of her Nobel Prize-awarded research for free.#NobelPrize pic.twitter.com/RmzCpdrdfu
由諾貝爾(Alfred Nobel)本人於1895年留下的遺囑中,設立的5個獎項:生醫、化學、物理、和平與文學獎;另外在1968年由由瑞典中央銀行以創立300年為名,增設經濟學獎,讓諾貝爾獎項目增加至6種。
獲獎者除將親赴瑞典領獎,亦可獲得國際諾貝爾獎基金會(International Nobel Foundation)頒發的高額獎金,2017年獎金已調漲至900萬瑞典克朗(約新台幣3347萬6000元)。