...(圖片來源:LoL Esports Flickr)
昨(14日)為小組賽第二日,來自 LMS 賽區的 HKA 與 ahq 對上了 C9 與 DWG 都未能從對方手中拿下首勝,尤其是 HKA 的比賽中,一手下路蓋倫搭配悠咪的組合,完美的壓制了 C9 沒有持續性輸出的陣容,可惜隊伍未能把握優勢,在得以對抗的時間點屢次都無法掌握輸出點,具有極大優勢下最終只能以惜敗告收,不僅台港澳玩家看的痛心疾首.連歐美 Reddit 網友也對這場充滿疑惑, HKA 究竟怎麼了?
Absolutely beautiful zone from M1ssion at the Baron fight, he took Irelia entirely out of the fight.
Mission 在巴龍團戰有超漂亮的位置,他讓伊瑞莉雅完全進不了場。
LMAO that was hilarious. Literally 0 autos.
Even when they were all over the wall and he was free to fire, he was still giga tunneled.
This is a pro player btw lmao
Yeah, really questionable choice of target, though as a C9 fan, I must thank brother M1ssion for that play. Bless his soul.
沒錯,他最大的問題就是選擇的目標,但作為C9粉絲,我必須感謝 M1ssion 的出色表現。 祝福他。
Highest range champion in the game btw
I can't even begin to imagine how much different this game goes if almost full build tristana actually hits the whole team in baron pit instead of literally afking for the whole thing.
Yeah, which is why while that is a huge costly mistake, as NA and a C9 fan, I’m truly grateful for brother M1ssion, an honorary team member of C9.
Thank Mr. M1ssion
謝謝你Mr. M1ssion
Mission probably best player on C9.
Mission 應該是C9裡面打最好的
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