reddit熱議:HKA是我看過打得最好的1-5或0-6隊伍。(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)
在昨日由C組進行對戰,決定誰能晉級八強繼續世界賽之旅,而來自 LMS 的 HKA 原先戰績為0-3相當不樂觀,必須將今日三場比賽都贏下才能有機會出線,可惜最終仍是以一勝未拿告終世界賽,然而這幾場的對戰,也有許多不失水準的表現, Reddit 上也對其讚譽有加。
both c9 and hka are eliminated after only 2 games today
C9 和 HKA 在今天才打兩場比賽之後就出局了呢
Good, both were terrible
不錯 兩隊都打得很爛
Honestly HKA seems to have a pretty strong early game. They just falter mid and late game, but I think they're one of the better 1-5 or 0-6 teams I've seen.
說真的,HKA 前期打得蠻好的,但他們的中後期處理真的不穩定,但 HKA 是我看過打得最好的1-5或0-6隊伍
Yeah true. They might just go 1-5 yeah. I don't really mind since C9 and HKA tieing at 1-5 luckily
這倒是真的,他們今年大概1-5吧,我其實不太在意 HKA 可以幸運地和 C9 打成1-5平手
The only group they potentially get out of is B and Splyce got the lucky draw there
最有機會出線的就是B組而且被 SPY 拿到這幸運的簽
TL is far far better than C9 and they're not guaranteed to advance either. I also say Splyce actually performed much better than people thought.
TL 比 C9強多了但他們仍不保證晉級。 我也必須說 SPY 的確表現得比大家想像的好多了。
Imagine FNC and Clutch in group B, Splyce and J Team in group A C. How balanced would that be? Too bad we don't do "balanced" here at Riot Games.
想像一下如果 FNC 和 CG在 B組 SPY 和JT 分別在 A 和 C 組會變得多麼平衡,但是 Riot 裡並沒有「平衡」這個字
Yeah I think the way to "fix" these groups would have just been to flip FNC and J team. Then you have some fairly even groups. Even so, splyce and J team showed more than I thought
真的我覺得最好去修正這些組別的方法就是把 JT 和 FNC 互調,這樣看起來小組就公平多了。即使如此,SPY 和 JT表現得比我想像中好多了。
I heard that LMS is merging back into SEA, so yeah, not sure how that's gonna work. Hopefully they change something though
我聽說 LMS 要併回 SEA 了,不確定這會不會有用。但願能夠改變些甚麼。
JT晉級之路功敗垂成 湯米:我們其實都還在乎 只是已經習慣失望