EU輔助都在比送的XD(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)
昨日為第七日的小組賽,將決定 C 組哪支隊伍能夠出線,第一場比賽就由 RNG 出戰 SKT ,兩支隊伍第一次碰頭就被譽為世界賽最好看的比賽,最終由 SKT 的傳奇選手 Faker 使用的逆命領軍,配合隊伍的傳送拿下勝利,第二場比賽再次由 SKT 拿下後,也是吸引歐美許多網友討論。
That Quicksilver Flash from Uzi in the last fight was the cleanest shit i've ever seen.
Uzi 最後一波會戰那個頭帶秒解(李星使用大絕踢 Uzi )後閃現,是我看過最誇張的操作。
I'm no analyst, but these teams are pretty good
How the actual fuck did Faker survive in the Baron pit?
Faker 到底他媽的怎麼在巴龍池裡活下來的?
Baron Nashor knows better than to make faker angry.
巴龍知道不要惹 Faker 生氣。
something something unkillable demon king.
Ming is just contesting the title for best inting support at worlds.
Ming(RNG 輔助選手)在競爭世界最會送頭輔助的稱號
He cannot compete with EU supports.
他贏不了 EU 的輔助
Please don't let Hyli think this is a competition
拜託不要讓 Hyli(FNC 輔助選手)知道這是場競賽。
Hylissang the very kill able demon king.
Hylissang(FNC 輔助選手),最會死魔王(對應 Faker 的不死魔王)
Jin Air Teddy has reconnected.
Jin Air Teddy 已經重新連線
註: Teddy 之前在 Jin Air 擔任 AD ,被稱作團隊最 CARRY 的那個人, Teddy 目前在世界賽表現不如預期,但本場比賽相當亮眼
Ming with the EU Support cosplay.
Ming(RNG 輔助選手)在 Cosplay EU 輔助。
SKT isn't in a group of death
SKT is the group of death
SKT 不是在死亡之組。
SKT 就是死亡之組。
Like Jatt said in the intro and at the desk. Teams like SKT dont get placed into the group of death, they make the group a group of death.
就像 Jatt(歐美賽評)在預告片還有分析台說的。像 SKT 這樣的隊伍不是被分到死亡之組,而是他們讓那組變成死亡之組
Without a doubt the highest quality game of the tournament thus far. I was sad to potentially see Fnatic go out but these two teams here definitely deserve it.
Another Kayle another loss.
I don't want to overreact, but pls welcome our World Champion 2019 SKT.
我不想要過度稱讚,但請歡迎我們2019世界冠軍 SKT 。
給我一個像這樣的 BO5 。
LZ Khan
LZ Khan
註: SKT 上路選手 Khan ,當年在 LZ 打出知名度,屬於超級 CARRY 型上路選手,但來到 SKT 後較少這種表現