【2019世界賽】歐美網友看GRF淘汰: Sword在後補上路讓GRF晉級後跑去找管理層抱怨自己不是先發

Action 2019年10月27日 17:37:00
戰隊抓馬QQ(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

戰隊抓馬QQ(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

世界大賽已經進展到八強之戰了,首戰由 GRF 出戰 IG , IG TheShy 在上路打出了宰制力後,率領 IG 贏下系列賽,讓我們來看看歐美網友對於這場比賽的看法吧!




Ning solo killed the Kayle and did literally nothing else the whole game



Even though theyre down 1-2 Tarzan is playing like an absolute beast so far

就算他們處在1-2(這場前是0-2)Tarzan 還是玩得像個野獸



Chovy 下一隻會選哪個坦克?


I get there was a lot to talk about in that one fight around baron, but not a single caster mentionned how Tarzan hitting a cocoon on JackeyLove while being invisible saved that fight from being cleared by IG

我看了好多關於那場在巴龍旁邊會戰的討論,但我沒看到任何一個主播說到 Tarzan 命中了那個蜘蛛網(伊莉絲的 E), JackeyLove 被綁住了,避免全隊被 IG 團滅。


I love how Vlad can build 3 cheap items, face check a bush and somehow still take take 2-3 people at 20% HP just by pressing 2 buttons.



theshy fucking ended sword's career with this game lmao

TheShy 他媽的在這輪比賽裡結束了 Sword 的職業生涯


He's gone. I want to see inven reactions so badly.

他完了,我想看看 Inven(韓國論壇)會有什麼反應



"top diff"

"cvmax was right"

"theshy is really on another level"

"if doran was playing they beat ig and move onto semis"



“ CVman 是對的"(前GRF教練,據傳被 Sword 和管理層趕跑)

“ The Shy 真的是不同級別的”

“如果 Doran 上場,他們就贏 IG 然後進四強了”(替補上路)


Put your talented mid laner on tank and your shit top laner on carry. cVmax is the problem btw.

讓你的天才中路玩坦克,然後讓你的狗屎上路玩 CARRY , cVmax 真是有問題。(反諷)


Giving Sword the carry instead of Chovy has to be some sort of crime considering how Sword is performing

Going out with 4 games of chovy on tanks is depressing for Griffin

考量到 Sword 的狀態,給 Sword Carry ,而不是給 Chovy 真的是件恐怖的事,讓 Chovy 拿四場坦克真是讓人沮喪。


Sword went 4/22/31 this bo

Sword 這個系列賽的戰績是4/22/31


His Gnar game was ok (outside of getting flame horizoned by TheShy).

他的納兒還 OK 阿(扣除掉被 TheShy 穿線)


So it wasnt okey



Sword is fantastic, just need to work on communication, map awareness, jungle pathing, skirmishes, laning, team fights, hitting skillshots, champion mastery, objective control, counter picks, positioning, warding, farming and getting kills



TheShy has absolutely no respect for Sword.

Sword: I have the power pick Jayce now.


TheShy 一點都不尊重 Sword

Sword :我有個強線的杰西

TheShy :偷錢凱爾


TheShy: I don't like Nuguri taking Klepto on Vlad, it's too greedy

takes Klepto

The Shy :我不喜歡 Nuguri 用偷錢吸血鬼,那太貪心了



Top lane difference is just too much

GRF players tried their hardest to carry this corpse of a top laner


GRF 的其他人已經盡全力要扛起他們上路的屍體了


imagine jayce losing to fucking kayle lol



Just as a reminder: Sword went to upper management to complain about not being a starter after Griffin objectively upgraded by starting Doran.

只是提醒一下: Sword 在 Doran 先發 GRF 晉級之後,跑去找管理層抱怨自己不是先發


Just a reminder, CVmax was fired consecutively.

cvMax was the problem /s

Cho was right all along /s

只是提醒一下: CVmax 被連續炒了兩次

CVmax 是問題所在,ㄏㄏ

Cho 監督是對的,ㄏㄏ


Both the coach that refused to at least try to sub in Doran (and picked carries for Sword for some reason when he was clearly outclassed) and Sword should be fired.

那個在最後都不嘗試上替補的 Doran(然後在 Sword 根本隱形的情況下替他選了Carry)的教練,和 Sword 都應該被解雇。


Honestly, I think with Doran, this is an entirely different series. Sword got assblasted by TheShy every single lane and GRF still nearly won the first two games

老實說,我覺得上 Doran 會是完全不同的情況, Sword 每場都被 TheShy 幹穿,然後 GRF 前兩場還差點贏了。


Imagine being Doran sitting on the bench watching Sword single-handedly lose this series, all because of drama with your shitty manager.

Not even subbing him in after seeing Sword's performances

想像一下 Doran 坐在板凳上看著 Sword 單槍匹馬送整場系列賽,都是因為跟你的狗屎經理有抓馬

甚至在看到了 Sword 的表現後還不能替補他上場


Sword is such a good player, definitely the MVP for IG.

Sword 真是個好選手,絕對是 IG 的 MVP


Damn this meta with 2 toplaners looks strong af



That thing was too big to be called a Sword. Too bad, too cocky, too heavy and too outclassed. It was more like a large hunk of Iron.

這個東西被稱作是 Sword 實在太大了,太爛、太自大、太重、也太落後了。這應該被稱作是一個巨大的鐵塊


Imagine being Doran, helping your team reach worlds, only to get benched for a top laner who lost the game multiple times because he sucked up to the manager

想想你是 Doran ,幫你的隊伍進入世界賽,只是因為輸很多場的上路跟經理屁話,你就被板凳了。


CVmax died for this





Sword is SO bad

Sword 真的好爛









八強賽D1:韓式營運?IG TheShy單線實力直接輾過 輕鬆擊敗GRF

八強賽D1:FNC無緣重返榮耀 FPX順利挺進四強



歐美網友看IG晉級四強:韓服寇格魔玩混傷 JackeyLove你好像比較喜歡真傷​



關鍵字: lol grf g2 rng ig


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