【2019世界賽】歐美網友看FPX順利晉級:老婆Buff OP

Action 2019年10月27日 18:24:00
(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

世界大賽已經進展到八強之戰了,第二場比賽由 FPX 出戰 FNC ,最終由 FPX 取勝,讓我們來看看歐美網友對第一場第二場第三場比賽的看法吧!




People are gonna blame the Garen Yuumi, but Broxah didnt exactly do a lot with the lead he got at the start this game. Not a good game by him

大家都會怪蓋倫悠咪組合,但是 Broxah 在前期領先後沒有做到太多的事情,他這場打得不好。


I'd just like to appreciate Crisp's performance in that game. I think that was some of the best Rakan play we've seen this Worlds.

我只想稱讚 Crisp 這場的表現,我想這是我們在世界賽上看過最好的銳空之一


Honestly I liked the draft, just don't give Doinb his Ryze

老實說我還滿喜歡選角的,只要不要給 Doinb 雷茲


Jesus Doinb with 90% kp, absolute unit

老天啊, Doinb 擊殺參與90%,真強


Wife buff op

老婆 Buff OP


2 birds beat the 2 kitty cats? This isn't how my childhood cartoons taught me this was supposed to go.



Where is week two FNC at?

第二週的 FNC 去哪裡了?


Fnatic trying to beat the record for fastest bo5 again.

FNC 企圖再次締造最快 BO5 記錄


Damn FNC, NA can't have anything huh?

該死的 FNC ,NA連一個記錄都不能有?(註:歷史最快的國際賽 BO5 是今年 MSI ,TL VS G2 )


Gimgoon: Hahaha you gave them that blue last game and we still won.

Tian: I bet I could give them first blood and still carry.

Gimgoon: Hahaha, do it!

(after game) Tian: easy.

Gimgoon :哈哈哈,你上場送給他們一個藍,然後我們還是贏了

Tian :我打賭我可以送一個首殺,然後還是 Carry

Gimgoon :哈哈哈,來啊!

(賽後) Tian :easy


Game was purely lost on execution, draft was nice



Yeah I totally expected DoinB to penta Fnatic at the end there not gonna lie

我不唬爛,我真的想看 Doinb 在最後拿下五連殺


As a FNC fan same

身為一個 FNC 粉也是


We just need to win 2 more Hyllisang Coinflips to win. 25% chance aint that bad.

我們還需要兩次 Hylissang 的骰子骰對,25%機率不算太低。






八強賽D1:韓式營運?IG TheShy單線實力直接輾過 輕鬆擊敗GRF

八強賽D1:FNC無緣重返榮耀 FPX順利挺進四強



歐美網友看IG晉級四強:韓服寇格魔玩混傷 JackeyLove你好像比較喜歡真傷​

歐美網友看GRF淘汰: Sword在後補上路讓GRF晉級後跑去找管理層抱怨自己不是先發



關鍵字: lol riot grf g2


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