【2019世界賽】歐美網友看FNC淘汰:TheShy的凱爾太強 但Bwipo又讓這角色應該要BUFF

Action 2019年10月27日 19:44:00
Bwipo被打穿了QQ(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

Bwipo被打穿了QQ(圖片來源:Riot Flickr)

世界大賽已經進展到八強之戰了,第二場比賽由 FPX 出戰 FNC ,最終由 FPX 取勝,讓我們來看看歐美網友對次系列賽的看法吧!




Tian was so deep in Broxah's head it was hopeless

Tian 出現在 Broxah 的腦海裡面只有絕望


TheShy's kayle makes me think the champ should be perma banned. Bwipo's Kayle makes me think she needs a buff.

TheShy 的凱爾讓我覺得這角色應該被預先 BAN 掉,但 Bwipo 的凱爾又讓我覺得這角色應該要 BUFF。


doinb ryze walks towards fnc

fnc: why do i hear boss music?


FNC :為什麼我聽到了魔王登場的音樂


Ryze won’t be a meta pick for the first time since S5 Worlds.

討論文章標題: S5 世界賽以來首次,雷茲不是 Meta 角


We need a game mode with only Ryze, but you can choose which rework



 Bwipo: Pick Kayle, Its open

picks Kayle

Bwipo: First time Kayle btw.....XD

Bwipo :選凱爾,她開著


Bwipo :對了,我第一次玩…XD


EU Kayle is the new NA Jayce

EU 凱爾是新的 NA 杰西( NA 杰西勝率極低)


Imagine giving Doinb his Ryze...

想像一下給 Doinb 雷茲


Giving it to him 4 times....................



3 times right?

Was banned second game.


第二場被 BAN 了


Bwipo saving ult for next Worlds

Bwipo 把他的大招留到下次世界賽


Super carry DoinB was insane this whole series, he finally managed to come for Worlds and boy he is playing out of his mind.

Also TheShy kayle vs Bwipo kayle...

Super Carry Doinb 這系列賽真的很鬼扯,他終於打進了世界賽,而且打的超好

喔,對了, TheShy 凱爾 VS Bwipo 凱爾


the best thing about Fnatic losing is we dont have to see bwipo vs TheShy next week

FNC 輸了之後的好消息就是我們下禮拜不用看到 Bwipo VS TheShy 了


Game 4 in a nutshell:

FNC Nemesis (Cassiopeia): Kayle R - Ready

FNC Nemesis (Cassiopeia): Kayle R - Ready

FNC Nemesis (Cassiopeia): Kayle R - Ready

FNC Nemesis (Cassiopeia): Kayle R - Ready

FNC Nemesis (Cassiopeia): Kayle R - Ready

FNC Nemesis (Cassiopeia): Kayle R – Ready


FNC Nemesis (卡莎碧雅): 凱爾 R ─ 準備就緒

FNC Nemesis (卡莎碧雅): 凱爾 R ─ 準備就緒

FNC Nemesis (卡莎碧雅): 凱爾 R ─ 準備就緒

FNC Nemesis (卡莎碧雅): 凱爾 R ─ 準備就緒

FNC Nemesis (卡莎碧雅): 凱爾 R ─ 準備就緒

FNC Nemesis (卡莎碧雅): 凱爾 R ─ 準備就緒


FPX week1: FUN

FPX week2: Funplus

FPX quater: Phoenix!

FPX 第一週: Fun

FPX 第二週: Funplus

FPX 八強戰: Phoenix!


Broxah this series.

這個系列賽的 Broxah


That's not fair, he leashed objectives for FPX sometimes.

這不公平,他有幫 FPX 吃野怪


Doinb is the obvious star of this series, but let's give credit to Crisp. He played so well on all levels, and it really opened the series up for his team.

Doinb 真的是這個系列賽的明星選手,但我們把稱讚也給 Crisp 。他每場都玩得很好,而且真的有替他隊伍打開這系列賽的局面


Let's just leave Ryze up, that will fix everything





 Everyone: please god just ban out Ryze


大家:拜託神啊, Ban 雷茲吧







八強賽D1:韓式營運?IG TheShy單線實力直接輾過 輕鬆擊敗GRF

八強賽D1:FNC無緣重返榮耀 FPX順利挺進四強



歐美網友看IG晉級四強:韓服寇格魔玩混傷 JackeyLove你好像比較喜歡真傷​

歐美網友看GRF淘汰: Sword在後補上路讓GRF晉級後跑去找管理層抱怨自己不是先發

歐美網友看FNC淘汰:TheShy的凱爾讓我覺得這角色太強 但Bwipo的凱爾又讓我覺得這角色應該要BUFF



關鍵字: lol fnc tw riot garena theshy


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