新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19,下文皆稱武漢肺炎)疫情全球大爆發,美國東岸紐約州(New York state)於當地時間1日晚間8時(台灣時間2日上午9時)宣布了1宗確診個案。
紐約州長科莫(Andrew Cuomo)當晚也在推特(Twitter)個人帳號上公布這項消息,據悉,這名確診病例是位30餘歲的美國女性,日前甫自伊朗旅遊返美,刻正進行居家隔離。
We have learned of the 1st positive case of COVID-19 in NY. The patient contracted the virus while in Iran & is isolated
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) March 2, 2020
There is no reason for undue anxiety—the general risk remains low in NY. We are diligently managing this situation &will provide info as it becomes available. pic.twitter.com/rLnObvrg3R
科莫也呼籲紐約州的居民保持冷靜,切莫引發「不必要的恐慌(undue anxiety)」。