武漢肺炎確診案例在各國不斷增加,然而台灣卻在相隔36天後再次單日未出現新確診者。歐洲經貿辦事處處長高哲夫(Filip Grzegorzewski)特別在推特上提到台灣單日0確診的消息,並表示,台灣成功控制了外來的感染源。
ZERO0️⃣ confirmed #Covid19 cases today in Taiwan, for the first time in 36 days.
— Filip Grzegorzewski 🇪🇺 (@grzegorzewskif) April 14, 2020
Taiwan has managed to control the second wave of infections from people returning from abroad, in the same way it did with first wave of infections from China.
Global solidarity at its best!Thank you #Taiwan for the swift delivery of medical masks for the #EU countries hit hardest by the #coronavirus, and for the announcement of the second donation to Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe. #StrongerTogether #COVID19 #EUinTaiwan #riscEU pic.twitter.com/jYKoGBdNxf
— Filip Grzegorzewski 🇪🇺 (@grzegorzewskif) April 9, 2020
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