阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的街道上,標有「不償還債務。與國際貨幣基金組織決裂」字樣的海報。 (湯森路透)
阿根廷經濟部長古茲曼(Martin Guzman)面臨嚴峻的挑戰,他表示,債務協議是「重要的一步」,「但此不能解決阿根廷所有的經濟問題」。
倫敦經濟研究顧問公司「凱投聚集觀」(Capital Economics)專家桑加尼(Nikhil Sanghani)表示,「被高估的阿根廷貨幣,不確定性相當高,但即使貶值也只會讓債務狀況更加嚴峻」。
阿根廷托爾夸托迪特利亞大學(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)經濟專家耶亞第(Eduardo Levy Yeyati)則表示,擺脫債務危機,可以靠提高利率的手段鼓勵披索(peso,阿根廷貨幣)的儲蓄,但也可能引發新一波的通貨膨脹。
Argentina’s historic $65 billion deal with creditors merely marks the first stage of an uphill battle to rescue its crisis-prone, debt-laden economy https://t.co/y8onO1Ssz5
— Bloomberg (@business) August 5, 2020
Serial defaulter #Argentina and its largest creditors (incl BlackRock, Ashmore, Fidelity) struck deal to restructure $65bn of debt, setting stage for it to emerge from its 3rd default since turn of century. The deal is worth about 54.8 cents on the dollar. https://t.co/eSfGaQ932q pic.twitter.com/5mMscHwXLI
— Holger Zschaepitz (@Schuldensuehner) August 4, 2020
經濟原先就疲弱數年,在新冠肺炎疫情的影響下,阿根廷6月的基本財政赤字(primary fiscal deficit)更飆到35.3億美元,桑加尼更是預測,2020年底的基本赤字將佔GDP的8%左右。
Congratulations to President @alferdez, Minister @Martin_M_Guzman and Argentina’s main creditor groups on reaching an agreement in principle on the country’s debt. A very significant step. Look forward to a successful conclusion in the interest of all. pic.twitter.com/XKaiaQEHZD
— Kristalina Georgieva (@KGeorgieva) August 4, 2020