Multiple #PLA aircraft have violated #Taiwan's ADIZ over the past 2 days. This is a threat against the country & regional peace. We condemn #China & call on the international community to remain alert. Make no mistake: We'll stand tall & not be intimidated. JW https://t.co/pZZigCLCbA
— 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) 🇹🇼 (@MOFA_Taiwan) September 10, 2020
R.O.C. government strongly condemns provocations on consecutive days by China’s military aircraft; calls on international community to squarely face China’s threat to the region
September 10, 2020
No. 198
China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) held large-scale military exercises in airspace southwest of Taiwan on September 9 and 10. On these dates, multiple PLA Air Force aircraft penetrated Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Military maneuvers by China’s government constitute a serious provocation to Taiwan and a grave threat to regional peace and stability. The Republic of China (Taiwan) government strongly condemns the provocation and threat by China’s government.
The government of China, disregarding regional security and stability, openly intruded into the ADIZ of another country in the region. Such a provocation constitutes a dangerous signal for the region and the international community. Today, the PLA has chosen to conduct exercises near Taiwan; tomorrow it may engage in similar threats near other countries.
Taiwan military is at all times aware of any intrusions by China’s military aircraft and responds effectively. Taiwan does not seek confrontation, but neither will it back down. The people of Taiwan can rest assured that the military has the determination and capability to staunchly defend the nation’s security.
The Chinese government is introducing a factor of extreme instability in the region. The international community should pay close heed to this growing aggressiveness. Earlier today, September 10, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided respectively information related to China’s threat to key friendly nations. Taiwan government calls on nations that cherish peace and support regional stability to recognize the seriousness of the threat posed by China’s government to regional peace and stability, and jointly confront this situation. (E)
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