英國強森(Boris Johnson)政府向國會遞出《內部市場法案》以340票贊成對263票反對,14日於下議院通過,該法案單方面推翻了英國與歐盟早前達成的協議,備受各界批評。
《衛報》指出,《內部市場法案》違法國際法,英國司法大臣柏克蘭(Robert Buckland)拒絕,並要求內閣進一步審查該法案。
英國議員蓋爾(Roger Gale)指出,「我堅信英國應遵守國際法,這(內部市場法案)損害了英國在誠實與直接協議的國際聲譽」。
"From a man who says he wanted to get Brexit done and won an election on it, this bill gets Brexit undone," says shadow minister Ed Miliband
— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) September 14, 2020
"I never thought respecting international law would, in my lifetime, be a matter of disagreement"https://t.co/PS4InByuzq pic.twitter.com/dzvbRhc7UP