執導《好孕臨門》(Knocked up)的美國導演阿帕托(Judd Apatow)近日受訪表示,美國電影業仰賴中國市場,許多人會先「自我審查」,並內容完全不提及中國侵犯人權,「以金錢使我們噤聲」(China has bought our silence with their money)。
China has concentration camps with as many as two million people there and so few people dare mention it that it becomes a news item when I do. Shouldn’t everyone mention it? Just as a human being doesn’t it destroy you to know this is happening? Learn about it. Research it. https://t.co/zqAhePf0Lx
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) September 19, 2020
此前擔綱女主角大任劉亦菲已因「挺港警」而引發風波。研究新疆再教育營德國學者曾茲(Adrian Zenz)怒批迪士尼「從集中營陰影獲取暴利」,世界維吾爾代表大會也推文直言,迪士尼感謝吐魯番公共安全局,簡直是「參與東突厥斯坦關押營的機構」。
Remarkable @AriMelber interview with @JuddApatow on the large-scale censorship in entertainment. "Instead of us doing business with China and that leading to China becoming more free, what has happened is...China has bought our silence with their money." https://t.co/aYQXisv2ZD
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) September 15, 2020