
【聯合國總辯論次日】4友邦發言挺台入聯 宏都拉斯隻字未提

上報快訊/李紹瑜 2018年09月27日 12:28:00








邦史瓦帝尼國王恩史瓦帝(Mswati III)三世發言如下:




The Kingdom of Eswatini reiterates her unwavering stance in calling upon the United Nations to afford the people of the Republic of China, Taiwan, the opportunity to partake and contribute to the United Nations Development system. Taiwan’s experience in various fields, vital to the dimensions of sustainable development, would go a long way in contributing to the work and membership of the United Nations. It is a strong call that the People of Taiwan are not left behind in making the United Nations relevant to all people to be in line with the spirit of universality.




吉里巴斯總統馬茂(Taneti Maamau)發言如下:




Madam President, the UN theme that will be delivered in the next 12 months is about all the people living on this planet. This theme will be irrelevant if the UN continues to ignore that 23 million people who live and contribute to our shared home and continue to exclude them from the process. We are one family and we therefore call on an inclusive approach to have Taiwan participate in international processes and to allow it to contribute to address areas of concerns to this UN body and the implementation of the SDGs.




諾魯總統瓦卡(Baron Waqa) 發言如下:




Madam President, Making the United Nations relevant to all people must include the people of Taiwan. The people of Taiwan should be treated equally to those of other nations. The UN should resolve the serious issue of Taiwan's Twenty-Three million (23 million) people being excluded from the UN system. The preamble of the UN Charter clearly states that the organization's mission is to, and I quote, "reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small" end of quote.


In closing, I would like to thank the Governments of Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Japan, India, the Russian Federation, Italy, Israel, Cuba and the European Union for their assistance to Nauru. We value your friendship very much and look forward to our continued collaboration.




帛琉總統雷蒙傑索(Tommy Remengesau, Jr.)發言如下:




The Republic of China, Taiwan has long been an ally in our efforts to achieve our sustainable development goals. This special friendship and generosity can be seen in our infrastructure investments, as well as continued assistance in health and education. We urge the United Nations to seek a solution to include Taiwan in all its process, including the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Health Organization. My government firmly believes that Taiwan’s inclusion in the UN system will greatly benefit the UN’s work and its Sustainable development agenda towards 2030 and beyond.


【瓜地馬拉仍不吭聲】2友邦為我入聯發聲 「台灣人民值得被公平對待」

●加拿大《國會山莊時報》刊文 呼籲加國政府支持台灣參與聯合國

●聯合國大會開議在即 唐鳳將與羅素對談數位治理






